Posted: Oct. 12th, 2021 7:27 pm Post subject: Message from the CEO
It has come to my attention that some of you are not familiar with Saints3G Code of Conduct and reasonably so since we have suspended our IOTC (Initiate Orientation Training) program. Those of you who are new to Saints3G, I extend a warm welcome and offer you a place by my fire. Our fellowship together is just as important to me as our gaming time; However, as Christians, we follow a strict protocol and therefore must be held to higher standard. As members of Saints3G, you agreed to abide by our Code of Conduct as part of your application process. The Code of Conduct for Saints3G can be found here. I encourage all of you to read through it and make the commitment to follow it.
I do not relish the fact that codes are necessary but the reality is contrary to my desires. As a Christian gamer, I would rather spend my time gaming and engaging in good conversation with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but as S3G CEO and Chief Arbiter, I answer to a higher authority. Authority in this case does not mean power, it means servitude. I serve God and to a lesser extent this Guild and by extension, each one of you. It is my duty to make sure the environment you and your children game in is wholesome, rich in Christian love and free from all worldly influence. I won’t succeed but my effort will be obvious.
I want to make clear that this is not a ‘holier-than-thou’ statement. We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Each of us, including me, are accountable for our actions. Make a stand with me against Satan and police your own words and conduct. Help me keep the evil one out of our Guild. Let us shore up our defenses against the encroaching army of darkness who threatens our peace with his revolting influence and make Saints3G the best Christian gaming guild ever.
Thank you,
Intrepid Corsair, S3G CEO